WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam Pattern 2023 - 450 Questions in 240 Minutes
Click to get the infographics of WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam Pattern 2023. 240 minutes exam is conducted online comprising 450 questions from 4 subjects in English & Hindi.

WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
What is the WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam?
The WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam, conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC), is a key gateway for individuals aspiring to secure diverse government job opportunities in West Bengal.
How is the WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam Pattern structured?
The pattern consists of a Preliminary Examination with sections on General Studies and Arithmetic, followed by a Main Examination covering English, Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali, and General Studies with Arithmetic.
Is there negative marking in the WBPSC Miscellaneous Exam?
Yes, there is negative marking for incorrect answers in multiple-choice questions.
Who is eligible to apply for the WBPSC Miscellaneous Recruitment 2023?
Candidates are required to possess a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university.
Are there any relaxations in age limits for reserved categories?
Details about age relaxations for reserved categories are typically mentioned in the official notification. Candidates should refer to the notification for specific information regarding age relaxations.
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Reasoning Faculty
Mr. Amit is a famous Reasoning teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhonas.com