WBPSC Food SI Study Plan 2024 PDF: 30 Days Study Routine
Discover success with our thorough 30-day WBPSC Food SI Study Plan 2024 PDF. Our painstakingly planned study plan will improve your study experience, raise your confidence, and help you achieve success.

food si study plan 2024 FAQs
What is the negative marks for Wbpsc food si exam?
The WBPSC Food SI test will consist of multiple-choice objective (MCQ) questions. This exam will be worth 100 points. Exam duration: 1.5 hours (90 minutes). Each question will be worth one mark, with one-third of the mark reduced for each incorrect response.
What is the pattern of food SI exam questions?
The WBPSC Food SI Exam Pattern is 100 marks, with multiple choice questions. The selection method for the position includes a written test (100 points) and an interview (20 points). Those who qualify for the stages will be named.
Which stream is best for food inspector?
To become a food inspector, you must first complete an undergraduate science or technology degree that includes chemistry as a core subject. Popular science degrees include BSc (Bachelor of Science) in agricultural, agronomy, food science, plant science, and dairy science.
What is the salary of food si in west bengal?
The West Bengal Public Service Commission has released a notice that specifies the WBPSC Food SI Salary. The WBPSC Food SI Salary Range is Rs. 22,700/- to Rs. 58,500/month, which includes basic salary, allowances, incentives, and other benefits.
What is the duty of food SI in West Bengal?
The food inspector is responsible for ensuring the food's quality and safety. They also investigate food ingredients to determine the safety, legal, and industry requirements. As food inspectors, they are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the food.
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Reasoning Faculty
Mr. Amit is a famous Reasoning teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhonas.com