WBPSC Food SI Cut off 2023 - 85 out of 100 must be scored
Click to get the infographics of WBPSC Food SI Cut off 2023. Cut off depends on the number of students applying in comparison to the vacancies released.

WBPSC Food SI Cut off 2023 FAQs
When was the WBPSC Food SI Notification 2023 released?
The WBPSC Food SI Notification 2023 was released on 22nd August 2023.
How to apply for WBPSC Food SI 2023?
Eligible candidates can apply for WBPSC Food SI exam 2023 directly from the official website of WBPSC.
Who is the conducting body for the WBPSC Food SI?
The WBPSC Food SI examination is conducted by the WBPSC (West Bengal Public Service Commission).
When was the last to apply for WBPSC Food SI 2023?
The last date to apply for WBPSC Food SI 2023 was 20th September 2023.
What is the application fees for the WBPSC Food SI 2023?
The application fee for WBPSC Food SI Recruitment is Rs. 110/- for General category.
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Reasoning Faculty
Mr. Amit is a famous Reasoning teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhonas.com