WBPSC Clerkship Exam Pattern 2023 - 100 Questions in 90 Minutes
Click to get the infographics of WBPSC Clerkship Exam Pattern 2023. 90 minutes exam is conducted online comprising 100 questions from 3 subjects.
Download PDF21 November, 2023
10 min read | Words: 751
Updated on: 2024-06-06 05:48:02
WBPSC Clerkship Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
What is the exam pattern for WBPSC Clerkship Prelims?
Following is the exam pattern for WBPSC Clerkship Prelims-
- The Prelims exam encompasses three subjects as follows: English, General Studies, and Arithmetic.
- Moreover, the exam includes a total of 100 objective questions, carrying a maximum of 100 marks.
- Lastly, this exam will last for a duration of 90 minutes.
What is the Computer Ability and Typing Test?
For all the WBPSC Clerkship aspirants, this marks the final step in the WBPSC Clerkship recruitment process. This is where your typing speed and basic computer knowledge will be assessed.
What is the exam pattern for WBPSC Clerkship Mains?
We have outlined the exam pattern for the WBPSC Clerkship Mains below:
- The Mains exam will include subjects, namely, English and Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali.
- Furthermore, the Mains exam is allocated a total of 100 marks.
- Additionally, the questions in this phase will be of descriptive type.
- Lastly, the exam will span for a duration of 60 minutes.
Will there be an interview round in the WBPSC Clerkship selection process?
No, there is no interview round in the WBPSC Clerkship recruitment process.
What is the syllabus for the Prelims exam?
The WBPSC Clerkship Prelims exam includes the following subjects:
- General Studies
- Arithmetic
- English
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English Faculty
Mr. Aloke is a famous English teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhronas.com.