WBPSC Clerkship Cut off 2024 - 70 out of 100 must be scored
Click to get the infographics of WBPSC Clerkship Cut off 2024. Cut off depends on the number of students applying in comparison to the vacancies released.

Table of Contents
WBPSC Clerkship Cut off 2024 FAQs
What is the expected WBPSC Clerkship cut off 2024?
Based on previous years, the expected WBPSC Clerkship cut off is around 70 marks out of 100.
What is the salary of WBPSC Clerkship 2024?
The salary of WBPSC Clerkship 2024 is from Rs. 22,700/- to Rs. 58,500/-.
What is the last date to apply for WBPSC Clerkship 2024 exam?
The last date to apply for WBPSC Clerkship 2024 is 29 December 2023.
What is the total marks for WBPSC Clerkship?
WBPSC Clerkship Paper-1 consist of 100 multiple-choice questions of 1 mark each.
What is the eligibility for WBPSC Clerkship exam 2024?
Candidate must have passed 10th or 12th fom a recognised board of examination.
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Quant Faculty
Mr. Raja is the famous teacher for Quantitative Aptitude in Siliguri and co-partner at one and only thedhronas.com