WBPSC Clerkship 2024 Preparation: Get Exam Ready in 45 Days
Dive into our detailed 45 days study plan tailored specifically for WBPSC Clerkship 2024 aspirants. Get ready to conquer the exam with confidence!

Table of Contents
wbpsc clerkship 2024 preparation FAQs
What is the total marks for WBPSC clerkship prelims?
The written test (objective type) is Stage I of the WBPSC clerkship selection process. Three sections make up this stage. This stage has a total of 100 marks. Candidates' knowledge of general studies, math, and English is tested at this stage.
What is the fees for WBPSC clerkship exam?
The application fee for WBPSC Clerkship Recruitment 2024 is Rs. 110/- (Rupees one hundred ten).
What is the duration of WBPSC clerkship exam prelims?
The duration of Part-I examination shall be 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Is there any negative marking in WBPSC?
Candidates will receive one mark for each correct answer. There will be a negative marking for each incorrect answer.
What is the age limit for WB Clerkship?
The age limit specified for the WBPSC Clerkship Notification is 18 to 40 years. Candidates must have been born not earlier than 2nd January 1983 and not later than 1st January 2005. Age relaxation is given as per government rules. Check complete notification for details.
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Reasoning Faculty
Mr. Amit is a famous Reasoning teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhonas.com