WBCS Exam Date 2025 - The Date of the Exam is 7 September 2025
Get all the latest updates on the WBCS Exam Date 2025, including exam details, syllabus, and preparation tips to help you succeed in this prestigious exam.

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Quant Faculty
Mr. Raja is the famous teacher for Quantitative Aptitude in Siliguri and co-partner at one and only thedhronas.com
WBCS Exam Date 2025 Comments:

We understand that every student has different needs and capabilities, which is why we create such a wonderful and unique curriculum that is the best fit for every student.
Know about The Dhronas :
The Dhronas is India's top online coaching that provides affordable and comprehensive learning experience to those who’ve or about to completed their graduation and looking to get a government job. We also provide extensive practice platform for the students so that they can beat the competition and secure good ranks.
Why Join The Dhronas ?
The Dhronas is totally focused on the results and teach lakhs of students. The Dhronas is a best place for students to fulfil their dreams.
Know about Competitive Exams :
Every year, around 25 million students appear for these examinations to fulfil their ambitions of getting a government job. Various Exam coordinating bodies like SSC, Bank, Railways, Defence etc. recruit every year for Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D Posts.