Learn and Practice Comparison Based Order and Ranking for Bank Exams
Ace your bank exam preparation with complete study material of Comparison Based Order and Ranking. Get previous year questions and practice questions with detailed solutions.

Table of Contents
- What is Order and Ranking?
- Comparison Based Order and Ranking
- Height - Based Comparison
- Age - Based Comparison
- Weight - Based Comparison
- Merit - Based Comparison
- Comparison Based on Two Elements
- Order and Ranking based on Comparison - Practice Questions
- Solutions of Order and Ranking Practice Questions
Order and Ranking FAQs
What is the meaning of order and ranking?
Order and Ranking means relative position or standing. Ranking is the process of determining the position or place of a person or a thing on the basis of comparison or positions of other persons or things.
What is the difference between order and ranking?
Order and Ranking means relative position or standing. Ranking is the process of determining the position or place of a person or a thing on the basis of comparison or positions of other persons or things.
What is called rank order?
Rank Order means an arrangement according to rank, type of order, or the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement.
What is comparative ranking?
A comparative rating scale is an assessment tool used to evaluate the performance of a person or object against a predetermined set of criteria. It provides a structure for comparison between different individuals or objects, and generates results that can be used to make decisions or draw conclusions.
What is ranking and ordering in logical reasoning?
Ranking and order is an important topic of banking question paper under logical reasoning section; it involves an arrangement of position or ranks of an object or a person either from left to right or top to bottom. It involves the usage of a few tips and tricks learned in the seating arrangement.
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Reasoning Faculty
Mr. Amit is a famous Reasoning teacher in Siliguri and a co-partner at one and only thedhonas.com