Important WB Police Constable Books for Exam Preparation
Click to get the infographics of WB Police Constable Books for Eligibility, Vacancy, Apply and Selection Process, Dates, Syllabus, Pattern etc.

WB Police Constable Books FAQs
What is the basic salary of WB police Constable?
The candidates can go through the overview of the WB Police Constable Salary 2024. The salary ranges from Rs 22,700 to Rs 58,500. The salary is offered by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.
What is WBP Constable qualification?
Let us tell you that any candidate who has passed class 10th in West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
What is WBP Constable age qualification?
The minimum age of the candidates applying for this post should be 18 years to 30 years.
What is the running time for the WB Constable exam?
Candidates will need to run 1600 meters in less than 6 minutes and 30 seconds. If the candidate meets these criteria, they will be moved on to the final written exam as a selected candidate.
What is the highest salary in Constable?
The salary structure includes a grade pay of Rs 2000 per month, with the average minimum wage ranging from Rs 5,200 to Rs 20,200. As for the maximum salary, an RPF Constable typically earns between Rs 26,000 and Rs 32,000 per month.
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Quant Faculty
Mr. Raja is the famous teacher for Quantitative Aptitude in Siliguri and co-partner at one and only